Crimson Tale's
7 years ago

Guildycrow Legion X release update

hey, guys, I got a new update a better idea I’m not gonna release the demo but I’m gonna release the full game the game will be updated every 3 days or 5 days. with new events or Nieuw maps or Nieuw quest to do it has his one update system so you only need download it once I will always release the updated version. on gamejolt to so even if you lose the file you can get it update version on gamejolt so between today and Friday the game will be released. I hope to see you all playing my game. and between this week. and next week, there will be a contest to so you can win some prizes hope to see you all in the game have a nice day you all.

so go on my page and start looking at guildycrow Legion x and hope to see you in playing my game



Next up

Merry Christmas from the Dungeon Runner XZ Hub

Small intro to the first mini-boss battle against the Harpy’s! #rpg #action #fantasy #adventure

Story patch in making. Soon the first big update patch will be ready for release on Gamejolt and then in 2 Weeks the release of early access on Steam as well as on Gmaejolt. #rpg #action #basebuilding #questions #devlog

3 Main classes for my upcoming rpg game. #art #gamedev #rpg #devlog

Dungeon Reborn Demo V0.0.1 is released.

This Demo will give a smal previeuw of the game and what is to come with future updates. #rpg #game #action #question

Small battle intro a lot of cool monsters and battles are coming in the game #rpg #action #fantasy

The first dungeon map is done, still needs some small improvements but where getting there. #art #rpg #action #gamedev #gameart

Steam Early Access Page is live, This update will also be released on Gamejolt. #rpg #action #fantasy #adventure #question

The New Christmas event is coming this Wednesday. The hub is updated for the coming update! #rpg #action #adventure #fantasy