After some painstaking effort, we’ve finally fixed the gun glitch. Also, the team has decided that we’re going to start naming the glitches in case they pop up again we will have something to call them. This glitch will be referred to as the “Gibson” glitch, after the last name of one of our testers.
The Gibson glitch was a simple enough issue but difficult to nail down. As it turned out, our holsters for the guns are spherical in shape for their collision bodies and guns can stick out of them. If a gun was grabbed that also happened to be in the holster but the controller was not in contact with the holster itself, the system thought the player was picking up a new gun. This caused the player to leave a gun behind or to pickup an additional gun that overlapped with the first. The gun that the player originally had in their hand was unable to be put down or fired but it would reload. The new gun was able to be fired and reloaded.
A variation of this glitch also happened when a player attempted to pickup a gun out of the holster while firing a gun in that hand. The result is that the first gun in the players hand would continuously fire while loaded and could not be put down. The new gun in the players hand functioned normally.
Both of these glitches were easily remedied once we had a grasp of what was causing them. The Gibson glitch was a matter of logic in the gun handling controllers. We just had to confirm that the gun was not firing and that the gun that the player was in contact with was not holstered if it’s being considered a new weapon pickup.
With the fix of these glitches, we now have a nearly fully functioning build. Next up is online session control and session joining. In addition we will be handling some minor features such as spawn protection,displayed player names, individual player scoring(kills, captures, deaths, etc.), and then it’s on to new weapons and environments. Also, an on going research portion of this is to determine how we are going to handle individual player accounts on the database side. We’ve never had to deal with mixing Unity3D with SQL queries, so it’s going to be an interesting blend between business tools and game development tools.