Jk, he is just not giving to flying crsps about fluffball. I'll tell him ideas he says go tell @Donobo . He's to worries about @ACatsJourney to even care about making p Fluffball. Heck he even made a account for the game. So it's really up to me and @Donobo
now. Plus it's hard easpesicly we don't have much time for anthing during most of the day. Even coding art or that kinda stuff we need some help time to time. Yet he chooses not too. Sure he did make @Donobo
the Assistant Director. Yet we are still left for him to pay 100 frickn' bucks to pay to put @ACatsJourney on steam. To get thus brag to one of his friends cuz there relationship is on bragging rights?! Ya I don't under stand either all I know is @THEgemstone
too come back in a year or two to work on this game.
Hi editor @EggStudiosOffical he also wanted more people to enjoy his game on steam but he hasn't done much progress cuz he needs too get a bunch of these apps that are nor nessasary for the game.