Okay, so, months ago I considered myself a therian, and I really loved the community and just…being myself, yk?? Anyway I kind of realised I rarely had shifts, and when I did, they were normally voluntary or like, just when I fell asleep. And I thought “well, I can’t be a therian cause I barely get shifts!!” Anyway I panicked for ages. So I did some research, and I found a couple of people who had the same issue. Turns out you don’t need to have shifts to be a therian, despite what a lot of people believe. So, to any therians out there who think they’re “not worthy” cause they don’t get shifts, remember: every therian is different!!! Being a therian is identifying as a non-human on a non-physical level.
Anyways guys, that’s my vent of the week :D have a good one