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New sprites omg, Walten (After the events of the campaign of Slendytubbies 3) and Dipsy (headless)
New Sprite: Tinky Winky
i've made some sprites for a possible fnf slendytubbies mod, if you be interested in coding this pls contact me on my discord: Neku#3366
Spoilers Ahead
The 1 Sprite is Connor in the first 2 songs of his week, the 2 sprite is him from the song "Not Friends Anymore", the sprite 3 is Caroline in both 3 songs of his week sprite 5 is Kenny in the first 2 songs of his week, and 4 is him on the last 2 songs
Scratch boi corrupted
Scratch Cat Corrupted (fnf)
Amogus Monkey
New Sprite: Po (hanged)