3 months ago

GUYS!! I need names for these characthers! (I made them for a baldi mod)



Next up

Random silly anim8or render

Grrr... I hate YouTube posts. When I add the dithering effect to an image I post, it ruins the quality. That's why I'm posting this image here too!

I'm learning anim8or

sketch i made to try out an art style.

i want to fill a canvas with sketches like this, but now i've gotta hit the gym -_-

the title sceeeny! (btw this is another teaser)

They're next door neighbors btw

Colors on!

I love MS paint

Lil guys

Oc's names:

-Blond: Florijan (changed his name, it was Drazen)

-Brunnet: Manon

Random drawing