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S.P. has been reborn!


Only people who play the game will understand this. (Credit for the screen shot goes to @PauloTheCatto)

Modern noah aka my modern form

Just farming gold at Tem Village in Undertale... (im going insane trying to get this tem to collgee by selling dog residue, whilst trying to do the nicest things I can in true pacifist...)

Tav,but humanized

Poppy cab wear hats.

@theruinedcupcake This'll ruin Thomas the Tank Engine for ya.

The designs are finished!

What do y'all think? The website I used is: https://picrew.me/image_maker/479995. BTW I did not paint draw this! I used a website! I suck at drawing and if I were t say I drew this, I would be lieing to you guys.