2 years ago

Guys!!!, Now I can do DWPS, I downloaded FL Studio from PC to Exagear it, I made my first DWP if you want to use it to make covers with me, but don't you give the credits ok? And the guy named noah_gani1 Who Did The my chromatic:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-KqfzpB-tNUDgjs3q5Y0JtraenjpLziR/view?usp=drivesdk



Next up

I Made More Angry Birds Sprites In Friday Night Funkin

I Made Pigs From Angry Birds Sprites Friday Night Funkin

My Informations

Happy halloween 🎃

Hope you like!!

sorry if it's a small drawing

Kel Kenan & Kel Friday Night Funkin Sprite

something fast

Roger Kenan & Kel Friday Night Funkin Sprite

Kyra Kenan & Kel Friday Night Funkin Sprite

drawing of GF B3

hope you like! ✨

Sheryl Kenan & Kel Friday Night Funkin Sprite