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More concept art, but this time for the second room. I'm not that bad at drawing, I'm just not good with a mouse. I'll do the rest of the concept art on the ipad so its better quality (touch and stylus is what i'm handy with)
This package.🙄
More art :3 Drew Disbelief Papyrus and other stuff
MORE concept art, but on the tablet this time. Couldn’t color the mountain background because artset doesnt have a fill tool an dit takes too long :/ but we got a huion tablet and its almost here :3
Don't make fun of me, I'm just a kid, but I made a lot of Undertale fanart.
chara spritesheet for coollgames
Made more concept art, this is a challenge you face as Chara.
Some quick rough concept art i made in SketchBook for the first room you spawn in in the game.
Know I won’t win, but this contest is cool, people are really talented, much more than me, and I love art! It’s Endogeny. Please don’t make fun of me, i’m just a kid, and i’m trying to practice art. #undertale_contest
I have the Purple Soul, his name is Gabe.