7 days ago
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Yeah, a bit of my opinion
Pete's AI (The easiest)
Happy 10th Fnati Anniversary from Five Nights in Anime: Treasure Island
Dark Chocolate and Strawberry are the best
A lot of FNIA images :P
I've a few more screens with finished foreground layers yet!
Wishlist Mainasutto now on Steam!
Strange thing that i found holding CTRL+shift in Treasure Island: Abandoned Enigma
Let's see if RadianceGamesOfficial likes the idea of
Corrupted The Face's AI
The demo of Flora & Fang: Guardians of the vampire garden is out on Steam! Go and play, and wishlist!
Thanks you so much guys, I can't belive in one day 348 views, 6 comments, 30 likes, i m deeply happy, and the girls too