4 days ago

Guys, What do you think...

Swagger guy.. likes porn and likes to call himself, Porn Addict

I didn't think this would happen but it started like this.

Mainly, he was someone I had a good time with, you must have played, talked, and so on...

But when he left my controversy, I apologized for having wished him dead, and he gave me another chance, and he only told me "don't tell anyone that I gave you another chance." It wasn't when, maybe he wanted to play SOMETHING, Then he answered yes, then I finished my breakfast and I asked him again, if he can play, but he answered me, with a yes, something sad.

I asked him if there was something wrong with him, and then he answered that he was fed up with the fact that he would always have to suffer from nicknames and things that people called him, like Porn Addict, pervert, and Among other things.

Then I asked him again, "wait... you said porn addict?", and he replied, "no, I didn't say that."

Then, I replied to the message where I said that and he said "I didn't mean to say that, but I like to call myself a Porn Addict" (dude, WTF why do you like to call yourself a Porn Addict?!)

From then on you already know the story (see the images again)

In my conclusion, I think Swagger lied to almost everyone, and he fought and exposed people who published porn or were harassers, perverts, among many things.



Next up

Happy spqan day!

I hope you're seeing this friend... :')



No holiday..

No holiday..

No holiday..

Bro this beat is peak

Go fellas, Ask a number and I'll answer it

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I love your work and your drawings :)

Dude, i'm bored....AAAAAAHHH


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