Haberdashery was accepted as one of the Top 50 games in the “Boston Festival of Indie Games 2015” otherwise known as ‘BFIG’. The event itself is held annually for both, tabletop and video games, and awards are given out in several categories.
To be accepted into Boston FIG you must pass two rounds of judging, that take place months before the event. The first round this year involved submitting a video of who you are and what your game is. If you make it passed round 1, you must then send over a build for round 2. This year there were over 200 submissions for round 2, and over 30 judges reviewing each game. The judging consisted of several categories, and a form that is then returned with your overall score. After round 2 the Top 50 games are then accepted into the event.
This year we had a great time at the event and our booth was packed from start to finish. Our booth even gained recognition by Gamasutra’s own Bryant Francis who gave us an excellent interview and published a follow up article on Gamasutra called “Boothing on a Budget”.