4 months ago

Had an interesting TNA tape idea that no one has thought of....

What if instead of using the Noedolekcin Candle Cove footage (like in the Rugrats Anomaly)...

What if Kirk ACTUALLY AIRED Candle Cove on NICK?!

Despite being shown in 70s like in the OG pasta, it would air on Nick Jr. Little do people know as the broadcast would play, people would get dragged into watching it despite how horrifying it is. Also after a few minutes of airing Nickelodeon would notice the unknown show and remove it obviously ending the broadcast. The one's who stared at it the longest would have less power over themselves as Kirk would be able to get them to join him more easily. Also this would only affect kids watching. Any adults around during the hijacking wouldn't be able to see it but just dead static.

It would be considered a retake on the show too like an interpretation of it. It could follow the original pasta but add a twist.

I had this idea in my head for a few hours now and decided to share this concept!



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Lol I have a DOPPELGANGER. Joined two months before me.

There goes Jaegerk hiding evidence. Please report him. We know what you did. Pastel told me.

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My Company bc yes

Anomalous Cavalcade Demo Tests (2001)

Magical★Sigma! Pretty Cure! Hijacking!!!! (29/04/2011) (ft. Kirk Odd, Bill Cipher, BLUEY!!!, Profily BFDI, Firey UTTP THDTC TSPL) Sponsored By Klasky Csupo 2001 Effects