Had to do one last quick update, we accidentally left someone out of the credits! The person in question is @GarbledSrorriM , and they made this poster! Go check them out! Outside of that, this will be the final update to the game. Hope y'all enjoy!!
Next up
THE TUBBYLAND ARCHIVES - ACT 1 V1.0 IS OUT!! Feel free to try your hand at it!
The Remnants of Tubby-Land now has a gamepage, feel free to check it out!
I've re-enabled kofi membership donations but as one tier that's just for the sake of supporting me and gets you two silly perks. Obviously there's no obligation to do so, so please don't feel pressured to donate if you can't!
New Tubbyland Archives: Act 1 Update: Version 2.6.2!
To celebrate 10k, here's a small peek at a One Night to Remember remake I'm working on with @StellaWisps and @Laurenfart
! Still EXTREMELY wip.