Ellie's Hotel was a small project I started with some of my irl friends. It was simple. A fully drawn game about a Playground that had animatronics, original huh-.

This were the first characters with wanted to add in the game.
This animatronics had a very complicated feature, if they were in a light room, they would turn to their Light version if they had one. If they were in a dark room, same thing would happen but with a dark version. After this we changed the whole general concept to a different location, instead of a Playground, it was an Hotel now. So, this mean new designs

Webster would have been our new protagonist of the game.
Here some shots of him

After this, the whole game was scrapped and the team dissolved. I still wanted to make this game cuz I alredy had some characters ideas and the lore figured out. I also had the map, the mechanics and the music done.

So yeah. Now I was the only one working on the game. I'm not super good with models so I couldn't really do the models alone. Same things with both map and props. I also don't know how to code and shit. Some of my friends (like @ParaplegicDemon ) offered to help me with code and stuff, but I had no hope for this game.
To this day, I have no hope. Bye Ellie's Hotel, you will be missed.