Funtime Triple Trouble [OLD]
2 years ago

Halloween Edition Game Progress:

Drawing AI

Reaper Poke: 4/4

Marionette Jack: 4/4

Wizard Jacob: 7/7

Spider Matt: 1/1

Coding AI

Reaper Poke: 100%

Marionette Jack: 100%

Wizard Jacob: 100%

Spider Matt: 100%


Reaper Poke: 0%

Marionette Jack: 0%

Wizard Jacob: 0%

Spider Matt: 0%

Alright, I'm done here. Now take this picture of a Metagross while you wait until October.




Next up

Jeffrey (it's showtime)

Unused content for Funtime Triple Trouble

Made a fanmade AWWJ 1 poster.

Thomas (no relation to the funny cyan old man)

Cool thing I did with the Funtime Trio.

Nathaniel (he's an edgy fucking bastard)

Lizzie (fanart for AWWJ 3 contest)

Funtime Triple Trouble will turn 1 year old in February.

Here's what's in store...

demised gang

Ulises (this character did not age well)