Fnati (2020 version)/five nights at treasure Island (2020 version)
Hallucination is hallucinations of certain characters they are appear in front of the player (jake), covering the screen they are will start any nights (however you playing games, in later Hallucination will start it) however you didn't see it it's very fast
See what Hallucination of many characters photo negative mickey his face is close and with error mickey's eyes, Impurity grabbing her head she were decapitate herself like pnm do head off, the face without eyes maybe he was being lifeless and the face with one eye at right maybe He is awakening however a hallucination has mentioned alphabet "abandoned by disney" and "abandoned by God" from creepypasta
Oblitus casa (2.0)
In 2.0 version, Hallucination of four many characters new Hallucination with four characters
Willie (aka willy) grabbing his head he isn't decapitate himself he is angry/rage maybe he failed to kill him also jake, Photo-Negative Minnie decapitate herself similar to pnm decapitate himself, Corrupted Face with one eye at left and blood (similar to ink) was out from his west eye, and Pete opened his mouth there's a red arm out from his mouth this Red arm is similar to classic undying/undying (classic)
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