You alway wanted to give the super cancer virus to your pc when doing Blender stuff ? Well you are in the right place, with the original pack models made by @ShotOfRabbetDev and ported to 4.1 by me, you can make your pc know a painful and slowly death too !
(the antidote bottle "code:_RADSLA_" doesn't exist for pc, so at your own risk if using these models).
Joke aside, happy birthday to a well know fnaf fangame community with these pack model ported to 4.1 !
Here the link of the pack models in my Deviantart (check all images showcases and read the rules first before downloading the zip in the article deviation) :
All models belong to their respective owners/creators, I didn't made them.

Goodbye and Happy 10 years to the saga TRTF !