7 months ago

HAPPY 10TH ANNIVERSARY, @realscawthon !!!

Man, an entire decade has gone by, that's crazy to believe. I remember when the Kickstarter campaign was made way back when. FNAF has changed my life for the better over the years.

When I was a kid I never really knew what I wanted to do when I grew up, I eventually decided on author but it really just felt like it was for the comfort of knowing what I want. Because of FNAF I learned that voice acting was a job (& for video games no less)

At that moment I knew I wanted to be a voice actor...

Thanks to FNAF I've been able to get into voicing for fangames and other projects by starting off with impressions & gradually growing. I even know how to do voice effects now!!! πŸ˜­πŸ™Œ

I would not be where I am today without this silly lil' bear game 🐻 To end of this tearfully heartfelt thread I'd just like to say that I'm gonna keep voice acting & pursuing my dreams.

Mark my words, one of these days I'll work my way up into being able to voice for a FNAF game & I will literally cry tears of joy when I do because I'll know that I've made my childhood dreams come true.

Untill then, I'll see you guys on the flip side πŸ’—

#MostHyped #HowIFoundFNaF #FNaFArt

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Next up

My audition to voice Ash Brown for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover


Hearing myself in THE Ishii Niki's video felt unreal, like what?!? πŸ˜­πŸ™:



Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

My audition to voice Cohen Sigil for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover

Got the amazing opportunity to voice Bendy for @Hey_Lavy for this song that'll be in the Friday Night Funkin' mod, "Bendy's Genocide" πŸ‘€:


Rat Race Production Update

My audition to voice Rudy CortΓ©s for 2kdoplr

Background Song Is: "New Look (Wii U Maker Lofi Mix)"

#brooklynbroketheuniverse #indie #indieanimation #voiceactor #voiceacting #va #audition #voiceover