6 months ago

Happy 5th birthday, FFP:M!

In July 9th of 2019, I finally released my first ever video game to the public, without even having a computer to program it myself (I'm sure a lot of you still didn't know that). For someone's first project, you could say FFP:M was quite a success.

Every once in a while, I look back at how much I've achieved - and am yet to achieve, all thanks to taking my first step with FFP:M. It helped me gain a bit of self-confidence, make new friends, learn many lessons in game development, and most importantly, confirm that a game developer is indeed what I want to be.

Yet another thanks to everyone who has been with me since 2019, as well as Murix and Ray for helping me bring the game and its remaster to life. Maybe in the screenshot I was being pretty over-dramatic thanks to my excitement, but I can confirm it 5 years later (and without a shitty grammar), you did change my life.

And to anyone here who is yet to make their first game: Go do it. It may be nothing great but you won't make your dream game until you make a few rough ones, I promise you won't regret it!

(This post was scheduled.)



Next up

Over 800 pages of horror.

@Wester release date?

This is the original design document for FFP:M. Whoever that has played the game should know how little of those ideas made it to the final game.

I think things are going well for my video

amethyst's crazy game's game page is out:


Still messing around with shaders (I Miss Betty is not my next project's title, it's a made up one).

In the meantime, the work on my next game and video has begun.

Ramiz and Friends is on its way to pioneer new restrooms

Tribute to when I was featured in TRTF 2 Rebuilt

I just pressed Alt + Enter in a fan-game and unlocked Night 6 (I was at night 1)

Edit: Pressed Alt + Enter again and unlocked Custom Night.