1 month ago

Happy birthday @takwa764



It is finally her birthday But however, I just feel left out.

It has been so long. I have really actually been talking to her. I'm not too sure what she does.

The only things I can only find are just clues. But it has been so long and I just want my friend just to be okay.

But then she stopped talking to me. So I always wonder. What happened. And I always wonder if I get something wrong. Or I've just been blocked.

I'm not really too sure. I always leave a little message here and there. Trying to get her hope up

Trying to make her feel better. After something

So what happened? I always Worry

But then I noticed That she has somebody to help her out. Makes me feel happy. Being the shadows Fills the heart of black.

Not knowing what's going on. It's scary

But I just feel left. And nothing more. So I'm not really too sure. About myself how I feel Negative emotions.

The only thing I can do is just being her Side

Just like how I told my friend I don't want to be just a fan But a friend

And that's it....



Next up

@VioletTubbybotFNATL I got Bored.. I just drew you. Hope you like it


It is badly raining outside.I got really bored and start drawing

@Fem_LokiGamerWolf this for you

Not only your a friend

Because your a good friend Who helps others like me

Ybbx ng uvz qebiauas oqargu bs qrcerffuba. That's too bad, isn't it?

Ur xuyygrys xhfg gb fnir yvir

Lrg ur pna'g frys uvz

Don't you agree souls? =]

Rot in hell..

Try to get @Fem_LokiGamerWolf

1000 Followers PLSSS


Today I am going to showcase an art showdown. With game joit Creators?

This game is a vote Who has the best art from there fans And Friends

And whoever wins This competition gets a little gift.

@takwa764 @VioletTubbybotFNATL

Good luck Creators 👍

my new katana