It is finally her birthday But however, I just feel left out.
It has been so long. I have really actually been talking to her. I'm not too sure what she does.
The only things I can only find are just clues. But it has been so long and I just want my friend just to be okay.
But then she stopped talking to me. So I always wonder. What happened. And I always wonder if I get something wrong. Or I've just been blocked.
I'm not really too sure. I always leave a little message here and there. Trying to get her hope up
Trying to make her feel better. After something
So what happened? I always Worry
But then I noticed That she has somebody to help her out. Makes me feel happy. Being the shadows Fills the heart of black.
Not knowing what's going on. It's scary
But I just feel left. And nothing more. So I'm not really too sure. About myself how I feel Negative emotions.
The only thing I can do is just being her Side
Just like how I told my friend I don't want to be just a fan But a friend
And that's it....