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Nightmare Before Disney Version 2

Nightmare Before Disney Version 1

SCRAPPED (my second least favorite Fnati game from Malrat Era) they're Speed edits btw

All of the renders i used for the edits were from https://project-ti.fandom.com/wiki/Project_TI_Wiki (except Donald Duck)

Donald Duck render is from https://gamejolt.com/@Acegoofus23

Small render I made for @Yo-Kai_Falls_Ink 's Birthday!

(Don't ask why I put Nightmares name in the bottom left corner)

The End of Disney V1

Buster the hedghog

Nightmare Before Disney Version 3

(Only character drawn from this version is Nightmare Face)

Five Nights at Treasure Island 2:Let the Show begin

(My least favorite Fnati fan game from The whole Malrat era)

Everlow Valley concept art

Treasure Island Insanity Ride RELEASED (Download)