2 years ago

Happy christmas 🐻🐰🐥🦊



Next up

My friends try squid game lol but nobody survived

why my friends want to do experience on me. If you want to learn more you can subscribe on my youtube channel link in my bio.

do you want a short story. Yeah it's me in squid game but I met a christmas tree but not only that because he say he is a christmas cat. And than this make me laugh


by: @idk__

Skibidi dop dop and purpul gys play roblox. Their skin looks cool. The game is tower deffense.

Good endings only exist in movies.

by: @idk__

When did I come back?

I don't know but sure now it's time to get more followers on game jolt

So the next week I will share you some of new funny content.👍

Thanks you guys for keeping me in your ❤️.

So here funny rabbit before my new post.

You all know I love fnaf and Roblox but the most important I like monkey and Mr bean.


by @idk__

Shrek moment but only on my youtube channel.

link in my bio + if you help me to be better on Gamejolt and youtube. Thanks.