First of all, happy Christmas and also thanks for the nearly 550 followers and 100.000 page views!
Now let's get into the progress...
- Coding -
Well, me and the other members have made coding progress (mostly me). Here is some previews of the some stuff.
Phase 0.5
By @Realan and some edits by me. (Still a WIP)
Phase 1
That's all I can show for the fights for now.
I have done way too much Overworld for this game (5 times). First one was bad so I scrapped it. Second one was bad too. Third one had a bug so I had to start over. Clickteam crashed when I finished the fourth one. (I forgot to save it.) And HOPEFULLY this is going to be the final and the last one.
Here it is. Looks cool right
Story Panels
I have been feeling really lazy about coding it but it has some progress:
Literally the same one that I showed before
Papyrus Battle
Yes that is true! We are having a full Neutral-Run Papyrus fight as well! However, I haven't worked much for this so there is just an animation and stuff you can look into
The best thing I love about this game is probably this. @CrystalZeroChaos wanted to help with the project with his engine and this is the test attack he made:
(Don't mind the gifs quality, I had to decrease the frame rate in order to make it)
Chara sprite is a placeholder.
- Sprites and Arts -
Thanks to @TimeTravelingCapsule and the @TheBlueTowel, we are having a really good progress with the sprites!
New Chara Sprites
Old one by BlueTowel and the new one by TTC.
New Papyrus Sprite
Both of the sprites by TTC.
New UI and Stuff
You saw them on the Phase 1's preview but I will show them anyway if someone missed it.
New UI stuff by BlueTowel. (Actually, there is more than that, I just didn't add them yet.
joe ,TTC and no-name have made amazing arts! Here is what they did:
First art by joe, second is by TTC and the last one is by no-name.
Here is the original posts they made:
- Music -
If you don't know yet, we have opened a SoundCloud Account. If you want to listen to the songs, please give a follow!
Other than that...
Please come apply in our Discord or do it by dm'ing me here, or in Discord. (Mefe#4311)
And with that, the devlog is finally done!
Have a great Christmas!
(and i have 15 exams awaiting for me, way to start a year lmfao)