Hey guys! Just wanted to make a post to dedicate a few words to the game that changed my life forever. I might not like all the FNaF related products that come out lately, and have a bit of a negative opinion on most of that, but i would be lying if i said i didnt care about fnaf, i still hold this silly, old animatronic bear close to my heart.
If it werent for this franchise, TRTF wouldnt even exist, and i wouldnt have never met a lot of people that are really close to me, and i will forever be grateful to have known Five Nights At Freddy's, and i hope that things come to improve in the future if this silly bear franchise goes on for more years to come.
To celebrate the anniversary of this amazing game, i decided to share some of the stuff that we've kept hidden in the vault, for Tacoman_ Edition, and upcoming proyects!
It has always been a personal nitpick that TRTF 5 had such an inconsistent minigame style, so i decided to redo every single minigame from scratch, using the more consistent minigame art styles, as well as adapting it to my upcoming The Dreadful Truth re-write

As you probably know, TRTF 5 had guest characters that were going to be featured in the game, however, thetacoman_ edition will have a guest character to fill in the space of an empty space of a missing guest from the original game:

Torture Lake!
@Heisenmorg and i have been friends for a while, and originally, this model was only made because he asked me to picture how Lake Wagner, from "Together Again", would look as a torture suit, for fun, but recently he gave me approval to include him in the game. Expect him to see this guy somewhere!
As you might know, there were some TRTF 5 characters that were unmodelled, and are usually brushed off for other revivals, however, tacoman edition is including most of them!

After the release of tacoman_ edition, we are planning to release a collection of remakes of the entire Vol. 1 games, with new content, and TRTF Classic being completely being remade from the ground up! As well as a... secret suprise that ties back to TRTF V: tacoman_ edition

(All of these are concept art and are subject to changes in the near future)
FRANKBURTS and RADSLA are in my future plans to recreate as well! These games are interesting in their own ways, and i think they deserve a remake on their own (You should still check out Radsla remake by Distant Melody Games though!!!)

That's all i can show for now
We can't wait to show you all that we have in store for you guys! Happy FNaF anniversary, and soon to be TRTF Anniversary!