3 years ago

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Here's a small group of updates:

Topic 1 - LORE: You can now find all the research notes all about the wisps written by people before you. These notes are not required and can be skipped over completely, but I figured it'd be a nice touch. You can learn about how the wisps work, their society, and even their language! (I will have discoverable things be written in this language as well)

Topic 2 - Side Quest # 1: I added a side quest where you can get rewards from an NPC for hitting specific milestones of found wisps. I'm still debating on what exactly the rewards should be, but I'm considering making them items that can help you find other wisps.

Topic 3 - Side Quest # 2: I've personally grown to love this side quest more than the other because of who you talk to for this quest. This is the side quest mentioned in the casino update. This side quest is repeatable and actually has an active effect. You can be paid to clean the rooms of the inn run by an elderly couple. Also, the more you do this the more guests will check in, so you're helping out the couple at the same time.

I'm thinking of adding some more side quests and other details to the current ones, but I hope y'all look forward to exploring these new details!



Next up

I HAVE ONE OF THE LORE SPOTS BUILT WITH THEIR LANGUAGE! I swear it won't look like that in game, this is just showing the work. At first I hated that the letters didn't look as good if I kept them level, but the uneven-ness gives it a cute look i think

AND AFTER A VERY INTERESTING MONTH THE OTHER WISP LORE SPOT IS DONE! Sorry about the long wait, I moved jobs, got covid, some big bills, but this was the worst of it! Progress is back!

All of the wisps are drawn out for their page graphics! I'll work on the sprites next, then the extra details not on the page, so after the next update following updates may be slow. I'm admittedly not sure I'm ready to be done with my favorite project...

All the sprites are finally done! Updates will probably be slow for a while though. I have some dentist appointments coming up, so I won't be able to focus on the game.

All the sprites that I needed to hand sprite are now done! I'l be honest I was expecting those to take the longest, but here we are!

We're almost there, there's barely anything left to go. I'm getting excited for it. I do have some medical things to deal with next week though, so progress (and so the next update) may be delayed

Sorry about the late update, got hit with some health stuff. Still making progress though!

I've was able to get a lot of the rooms fully finished! A lot more are soon to be done too

The wisps are all finally designed on paper, which was honestly the hardest block for me so far. I'll try to work on the extra details that aren't on the progress sheet in between working on the graphics and sprites.

ALL THE MAPS (including the special secret areas) are DONE! And I've written the entries for more of the wisps, so that's the bar I'm gonna be working on filling next!