Pvz EZ

2 years ago

Happy halloween ;)

(Sry I’m on mobile so it’s not *quite* a beautiful picture but ….ok nvm)

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Next up

it's been a long time...

guys the game is not dead

the level selection screen is nearly finished

(ok the game looks laggy in the video but that's becuase of the recording app i swear its smooth when i test it)

(the buttons shine bc my mouse hovered on them)

new plant: little sprout!

turns into a random plant after 30s.

when a plant is grafted onto it the plant grows immediately and does not fall asleep

when it is grafted onto other plants it turns into a random plant immediately

Sunflower Evolution

lighting up the hopeless darkness

More progress on the Player's House stage. btw PvZ CI gamepage exists now.

pvz ez is too ez...

each plant in pvz ez has one organic state and one gmo state that can be unlocked

when selecting seeds you can freely choose between the two state

they have differences in the stats of the plants

(bascially the tiers in pvz2 eclise

A new zombie for Summer-day! Cellphone zombie! Every 8 seconds he stuns 2 random plants for 12 seconds


Новый зомби для локации Лето-день! Зомби с телефоном! Каждые 8 секунд он оглушает 2 случайных растения на 12 секунд

nice i lost my progress now i have to start from scratch