We at BatchCo hope you all had an amazing holiday break! We've been hard at work with UltiQuest, so here's a quick little update.
- We've finished the installer for UltiQuest, however we are currently searching for a host that will allow us to have very little down time. If worst comes to worst we can host the library ourselves, however we'd like to find a cloud platforming solution. The biggest challenge is finding a relatively cheap host that allows for direct link sharing.
- We've finished writing the music engine, and have begun writing another engine for sound effects. There is an issue with sound effects, however, and that is the startup delay with our engine. When playing background music the delay is not noticeable, however when hit effects, or one shots need to be played it can create a noticeable delay. We are currently working on optimizing the latency times, and will keep you updated on whether or not we decide to implement this system.
- The core engine has several validity checks in place now, to make sure that the proper files can be found and read correctly. If, at any point, one of these systems fails, UltiQuest will now alert you, and propose a solution.
- We've started writing the tick system. The current break down is that every action produces one tick. Training a skill, entering a cave, fighting a monster, an attack, a spell, ETC, will all add +1 tick to the current count. We have not decided on a final tick count for days, however once a certain number of days has been reached, the tick count will reset and will then add a +1 for the day counter. This will be relevant for loans and time-specific quests.
We hope to see some feedback with the first public alpha release, so check back! We want to keep you updated on that as well!