VS. Mat

4 days ago

happy holidays, everybody!

have this teaser as a gift!



Next up

what better way to end this "drawingtober" as a friend of mine called it then with the boogieman who's movie is LITTERALLY named after the holiday?

i've had a lot of fun drawing all of this, but i might not do it again next year

Happy Halloween, everyone!

"rest your head, it's time for bed."

-Sammy Lawrence, 2017 i think

yea at this point im desperate for new characters lol

vs mat v2 teaser without context

(yes V2's in developement)

Guess from where is this Mario



alright, it's the home stretch! 6 more days to go!

in the mean time, here's Circus Baby!

She has only used me all this time... I didn't realize it and now I am paying that sentence... but none of this was my fault... it was all her fault

before vs mat comes out, may we interest you in a preview for one of the songs?

i'm not saying which one it is, but it will be fun to guess!

(Composed by @fry-gamejolt )

i'm actually kinda impressed at myself i waited until the final days to draw Jeff the Killer.


hi we need more people in the team

if you wanna apply please join the Discord server. thanks!