I might as well also make a post like this.
Anyways, Happy New Year everyone, we're coming to a close on a pretty big year for me personally and we're heading to the next chapter with 2024.
Despite some negatives, I hope y'all have had a decent year. But if course there are going to be bumps in the road. But even with that, it will be okay.
Enough of that, let's talk about 2023.
It was honestly pretty good, gotten a lot of things accomplished. I graduated from high school, gotten a lot of progress done on TLO:TEOD after having it in development hell for three years, I've drawn a decent amount of detailed drawings throughout the year, I've met new amazing people, and also had good things come out like Saw X and the FNAF movie.
Every day or almost every other day I would continue to grow on GJ and I can't help but be proud and thankful at the same time. Whether it be my projects or my other words. Or even my YouTube channel (subscribe plz-) which also grows at times. Especially when a project is involved like TLO:TEOD as stated before.
I want to say thank you to all of you for making this feel special for me, and I cannot wait to see what 2024 has in store, especially the soon to be released demo for TEOD, after that's done, we just need to do the full game along with other planned projects like Treasure Island: Eternal Cycle and other projects I will not bring up because I want to leave surprises.
Make sure you follow these guys as well to show support, because they need it as much as me.
@DamienGamer727 , @cole528 , @ColtonDaCat, @TheRealNextGenius , @cubby2002 , @PiggyandsquidyProductions , @Malrat_ , @Starruis, @Speedorsm , @EpicGamer_23444, @Solar-Neon , @Rob_Lets , @BluRabbit , @Constable_Studios, and more.
Once again, thank you and let's continue to move forward with the new year. See y'all then.