Only Unknown

5 years ago

Happy New Year (or Decade)

Well, a new decade has begun.

The original planning project began in 2018, until becoming what small amount it is now. Well, I'll get back to this later.

Only Unknown has had a new Interface change that will continue to change as time goes on. The first chapter has begun being worked on and new art for the prologue and characters is on its way for a fully public build. The Alpha Demo will be updated with the new updates as soon as I can get to it, along with what there is currently in the first chapter. The official name for the strange creature has come at last to public light, (I think this is the first time at least) of "Screnoid".

Now, about a public build. I will try to get everything ready, which will be the first chapter and prologue as ready as I can in 2020 for the Beta Demo which will be available to the public. Some items will be placeholders, such as current interface parts and story most likely. For those of you who have followed the project to this point, I thank you.

Now, let me get to what started Only Unknown.

I began the road from a random idea I came up with that would be about Time Travel, which is still an idea I want to go slightly into with Only Unknown.

Of course, that was in 2018, early 2018 that is, and I was still new to story-writing, so now that I look back on my old notes for it, it was very terrible. So, of course, I rewrote it after coming back at the beginning of 2019 to try at a better storyline.

As I was a lunatic back then in early 2018, I made plans for 3 games in the Prodigy series, each about a different Time Travel theory. Most of the details aren't important, but I did base certain parts on String Theory, but not in the Time Travel aspect.

With the concepts of it down, I decided to get to work. And here I am now.

I am overall proud of myself for this. If I didn't think of the Prodigy series, then maybe Only Unknown wouldn't exist. Well, I do have an account on Wattpad, so maybe one of those stories that I have unlisted would've probably taken its place. But I was going through a state of depression and writing stories helped me, and mainly ones with dark themes. Maybe Only Unknown would still have seen the light of day. Who knows.

It's just something that's only unknown until someone experiences it.



Next up

[Inhales but in a gay way]

Every time Takagi-San teases me...

Looked cute. Might delete later.

i'm sorry

I randomly feel like making a render. Comment your Roblox username or something and a theme for the scene of the render and I'll pick a random one whenever I decide to begin making the render. Example included with my avatar.

Uzaki-chan is Yuri confirmed.

So I didn't delete the old version of the hospital background from Only Unknown so... here's a comparison between the old and new versions.

Here's a hunt. The prize? A key to an early version of Only Unknown's demo! This one is pretty easy, the next few may not be so easy.

Cat and food in Only Unknown style I guess

Here's a post.