Playtime with Percy

1 year ago

Happy Valentine's Day!

To celebrate, Pal and his lackeys have put together these special cards for YOU to use! Feel free to give/send them to that special someone... or, maybe give them to your best pal instead!

Besides, we ALL know who that is... right?



Next up

Christmas Update + More

A major content update just released for @ITDEER 's "TOO MANY NIGHTS". In which, a few select characters from PTwP can appear as both selectable enemies, and even change the game to play exactly like Percy's!

Check it out here:


I think this might cause a chain reaction, but there's no better day to talk about this than today! Since around February me and @Vampymatsu (alongside other PTwP contributors) were working on a super elaborate date-sim game starring both Nick and Pal.

Rat Race Production Update

Anyway, surprise!

For this week's @ByTheHour entry (which follows a Sci-Fi theme), me and @Marco_Antonio joined forces to make a retake on Ennard's night from FNaF: SL dubbed Omnipotent Obstruction!

This'll release with 2 other games on NOVEMBER 15TH!!

"BY THE HOUR" Night 2 has dropped - the theme this time around, was "So Retro"... so we're going back to the good old days of debatably-questionable quality games about one-off OCs, obscure secondary characters getting attention, and more within this one!

It’s a Christmas miracle!