have every book so far just waiting for blackbird to come out
Next up
Got these four @ForsakenAR
me too kid me too (look at the one about millie
does anyone know who he is?
Happy New Years y'all!
made Withered Bonnie
New game page thumbnail! Unfortunately I did not had the time to update anything else and I really wanted to update the thumbnail before New Years
Pit Bonnie, Fetch, Lonely Freddy, and Funtime Freddy whom all appeared in the books (Fazbear Frights) at on point or another FF, in Count The Ways, PB, Into The Pit, Fetch, Fetch LF, Lonely Freddy
got The Silver Eyes TGN (The Graphic Novel), Into The Pit, Fetch, and 1:35 A.M.
Franklin's Crib game page will be receiving an update soon, for now take this brand new wip screenshot! Also would you guys like to see more frequent posts?
when some1 sears in ur Christian Minecraft server