[Five Nights at Sonic's Fan game]Taingle's Temporal Theater

6 years ago


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Discord can be wild SOMETIMES.

Discord is STILL weird

Does anyone have Fazbear Funtime? I've been looking for a salvaged copy somewhere but Sister Location fucked up all my chances to find it normally. Anyone has it? Doesn't matter if it's the pre custom night or custom night build.

This #JackOLantern unlike me wishes you an UNhappy Halloween, how mean!


What #Costume are you all wearing this halloween? If you celebrate it that is or if heavy rain ain't ruining it for ya' this year.

A #Scarecrow's job is the hardest of them al...

Did i mention the loading/saving screens?

I may don't bring a TTT demo,but i have something better than a game,i bring a Discord server(I promise if any of you join i'll upload a demo in the summer of 2019) Long Guy's Night server:

NEVER vandalize a Discount