Here's our last and FINAL fan-made Steam game header for April of 2024!!!!! It's for part two for episode 18!!!!!! Anyways people, thanks for all of your beloved and positive love and supports from these past two in a half months here in 2024!!!!! None of this wouldn't had happened if you guys were giving us all the most care-ness and everything for our future creations and our beloved and positive parody mascots and parody cameo mascots here in Haxx Hustun Studios!!!!!
As of today and the end of May of 2024, we'll be taking a massive and most relaxation breaks from designing and creating our most beloved and most positive parody-like projects and whatnot!!!! And don't worry folks, both Minecraftia and Jax Justun Studios will be taking our places for now at least........Tell both of them that we said hi and see you all next time!!!!! The workers of both Napature Science and Haxx Hustun Studios we'll see you all after the break!!! #WeLoveUAllSoMuch!!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #NapatureScienceIncorpAnd #HaxxHustunStudiosWill #BothReturnAroundinJuneof2024!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!!! #105YearsOfHHS!!!!!! #Since1919!!!!!!!
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