Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science

3 months ago

Haxx Hustun Studios/Fan-Made Steam Game Header #9 - (Created on: Sept. 12th, 2024) AWWwww!!!! YES!!!!! Nothing like a fresh new day to make our bodies here healthy folks!!!! It appears that the afternoons are our days that our levels are strong here!!!!!!

It appears that Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science have been very busy and everything!!!! Even what's even happening with Jax Justun Studios right now!!!! But here we are, we yet another new future parody update!!!!! Speaking of which, it's been a while now since the original version of the #9thParodyGameHeader for the #9thEpisode of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science was released for the public eyes officially!!!!


I mean, I won't say it aged all that bad umm???? Never mind, it aged horribly!!!! And the name of this episode here doesn't fit in so welly with the background textures and everything!!! I mean, look at the first word of this title here for Episode Nine of Jax Justun & Jax Marble and Their Disventures in Hechology Technolegy in Rise of the HHS Parody Characters of Napature & Aperture Science right here!!! Doesn't it look all sealife to you???? I don't think so bros!!!! But the remastered version of this one right here's a different story!!!!



I keep on saying all of that like way to many times already when doing these GameJolt Posts and everything!!!! Anyways, look at the official remastered version here for the Episode Nine's Parody Game Header!!!! I went so far and beyond with this one right here!!!! The bubbles are more detailed, there's more and actual sea life here, and them characters were switched around a bit here!!!! Guess there's going to be a lot more better creations of these things in the nearest future you guys!!!!

And yes, I didn't really put that much seas life on the official remastered/revamped version here for Episode Nine because I just wanted it to be all simple and everything!!!! And yes, not to be so crowded as well too!!! Anyways people, today was finally a day when everything wasn't so chaotic like the last eleven days here in September of 2024!!!!! The #12thDay of September of 2024 was so much better folks!!!! But anyways, we'll see you all in the next future updates!!! Let's hope the rest of September of 2024 will be a lot more better then the past eleven days here!!! #WelcomeToHaxxHustunStudios!!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!!!! #1994GameJoltPosts!!!!! #LegaciesNeverEverSurrender!!!!! #VawDozenVSThemSeaLives!!!!!!!!!!! #RespectThemPositiveParodies!!!!!!!!!!!!



Next up

2024 HHS Parody Cameo Characters #64 & #67 - Tamataki & Chamataki & Kittysaurus - Both From Garten of BanBan WHOA Napature Science!!!!! You too???? Good thing there's only two of them!!!!

2024 DDS Parody Cameo Characters #32 & #33 - Douche "D" & Honey Mustard - Both From Sausage Party Afternoon morning people, December 18th, 2024 was/is today, and Draxx Dustun Studios has their official #23ndAnd33rdPCCs to look at here!!!!!!!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #27 - (Created on: November 6th, 2024) This is a parody files test that Haxx Hustun Studios and Napature Science are doing right now!!! Hopefully it works here!!!!!! And what do you know, it worked!!!!

While I'm chilling from game dev, gonna show the endo that was made by @Mortuus

Till next time when I return to working on the projects!

HHS Parody Character Cartoon Poster #26 - (Created on: September 28th, 2024) FINALLY!!! The Table Pet's official Parody HHS Cartoon Poster's finally here at long last!!!!! MAN!!! Many #26HHSparodyPosters later, and here we are all now folks!!!!!

be prepared

Jax Justun Studios Video #47 - (Created on: December 15th, 2024) Well, Minecraftia Studios are still around you guys!!! They're having their vacations at their homes and at the studios!!!! Isn't that crazy!!!!!

HHS Cartoon Depictions #36 & #37 (For Evelyn Claythorne & Enchant Ender Dragon "EED or ED") - Both Created on: Sept. 16th, 2024 Wow!!! Two more official HHS Cartoon Depictions!?!?!!!!

Our 2024 Advent Calendar has opened! Day 8: @PhantronGames is a great Creator who makes FNaF fan games and animations! Accept the quest and give them a follow to get Coins and a seasonal sticker!

2024 Recordatus DDS Parody Character #6.1 - Piggy BatPig (Created on: December 17th, 2024) December 17th, 2024, baby, we're getting close to Christmas everybody!!!! WHOA!!!!! NarchGraites Pictures have created yet another recalled parody mascot!!!!!!!!!!!