(In case ya missed it, here's the Cosplan post and the Cosplay post for more info on this cosplay!)
Extremely late because life's been busy once again, but it's here! My photos from when i went as Dipper Pines to Heroes Dutch Comic Con (Winter Edition) 2024!
It was lots o' fun! Hell yeah!! (I counted like 8 other Dippers at the con!)
And i sadly didn't get to fight Pyramid Steve but i did get a photo with Bill Cipher! Slay! (Sadly didn't get their socials however)
And best of all a photo with not only Eevee but also Gengar this time! (Gravity Falls Pokemon Crossover real)
You may have or have not also noticed the new shiny button pins on my jacket, which i got from @AllenVoorEef at the Artist Alley! I love these pins a normal amount!
Overall i love how both editions went at HDCC this year and can't wait to plan my next! (Gotta figure out what ill be cosplaying though)

#gravityfalls #dipperpines #cosplay #comiccon #hdcc #dutchcomiccon
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