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On this day 2 years ago, Five Nights at Sonic's T.E.G 60 Years Later was supposed to release!
Yeah that's really all I have to say lol
if I were to redo the game from the ground up, the game would run a LOT better, the OG 60 years later cancelled build has over 14k blocks
In comparison, NR 1 HD Edition only has 10k blocks yet has significantly more gameplay elements, which says alot lol
bendyOl183 lore?????
(a lot of these projects are deleted lol)
Thought it would be fun to redo an old FNaS 5 Fan Game teaser in the HD Edition style
The header has now been added!
hi chat
Sorry for being silent on progress for some time, here is a W.I.P of the office. I also overhauled the description, once I make the header the game page will look complete!
welp, promises are promises... =)
guys I made purple sonic less mid (Old design on the left hand side, new design on the right hand side)
also he's heavily based off of @Jayiscool 's design of him, go check him out he's g o o d