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Hello everyone, it is my summer vacation and here is stuff I would and have time to cover up so you all know what up, read article (this really can go out to anybody but mostly my followers)
FNaF Movie Springbonnie (William Afton) fan art
I loved the movie by the way
Happy Retro Video Game Day!
Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.
It'll be in your quest log until March 10th.
Heads up to any of my followers who might not know.
I am using my other account more and so just letting you all know I'll be more active on there so go follow that one if you have not yet. (I might post here though)
My Sonic creepypasta (story work in progress): 中空.ZIP
(if your wondering about my fan game Retro Shifts at Freddy’s, it’s still in the making)
Friday Night Funkin D-Side Sonic.EXE Concept