1 month ago

He uhmmmm... heh, likes to fight alot, Though he can use magic powers.. i highly doubt he is gonna do it in a fight

[2nd image is no censore]

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The K00sser reference.

[read the article if you want more info]

"Hey, remember that they care for you.. don't let yourself now right now ^^!"

- K00sser. (Young)

ofc i am organized, how could i not be... r-right ^^"?


Silly thing that ended dragging @octyfish into it

Lou? is that you?

[@Avacadotoast ]

Staying at my mom's place for the weekend, along with objectively the best girl Penny!

Drew Klaus playing with her for the occasion :3

"Meet Nathan!"

[Read the article for more info]

a @BOXZEE fan art on 2025??? ain't no shoot!! (sarcasm)

Axi and Steve


hmmm... who that may be.. i wonder alot... (wip)