3 days ago


All your base but it's CHEESE




Next up

Pretty much got it? But issues with Doors has come up X'D

So apparently I never wrote any code to store the door position when loading a game...and when you resize you can resize into a Door?!

FIXED! OK! Now to add some more Objects to the House build menu. I think since I some Objects are not indoor objects, I should add them to the Worksites instead? Like add the Thresher to the Farm instead of the House?

OMGOSH it worked first time?!?! Doors positions are now saved and loaded! Only time will tell if I messed something up with the lists.

URGH, Cafe's don't work with the Building Resize Update Also for some reason I couldn't open the Barflap Easy option is to change the corners just make the room a square, but I like the odd shape!

Hard option means recoding to check for the inner wall

eh, it kinda works? Trying to get the buttons to light up to show they've been pressed.

Can't get the offset right. Maybe I should stop using drawn rectangles and swap to sprites...

Of course this only works for the OSK, not the typing keys mode.

Hmmm, almost done, but I'm getting some erroneous walls when expanding 2 directions at once...

Happy Sunday!

It took way too long, but Name menu and appearance menu is fully updated and working! Even has an onscreen keyboard if you're using a joypad! (I wasn't)

Off to lunch, have a great one everyone!!

GETTING THERE! Got the right side working with the corners staying as they should, but there's issues. Stools in Walls... and it's only the right wall

Left wall can't be moved because of the Bartop...


[Changes a 1 to a 3]

More progress! Both side walls can be moved now!

BUT, left side doesn't clear the Bartop...right side doesn't clear the Stools X'D

DING! DING! DING! 2222 followers! That means new sticker pack! Thank you all so very much for your support, you're all amazing!


I hope you're all having a great weekend! Please remember to stay hydrated, it's rather warm!