1 month ago

Hello all.
I'm sorry that I haven't posted anything, but I just wanted to rest.

And wanted to say that the upcoming "Exercise hobby" art,
will be the last one related to the crossover of FNaS: FF X HN and then...

I'm moving on to making Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces comic:

"Creepypasta Sonic"

A mix of "Imagine It!" and "Hush! & Hustle!" series.

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Next up

"I know you're here somewhere." ~ New Header of "Hush! & Hustle!"

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #NFaS #HushNHustle #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art #DigitalArt

Small description cosmetic in FNaS: FF "JJ!" Community Refreshed Logo + Chili Dog 🌀🌀🌀 Gif


#FNaSFF #FierceForces #FNaSMMMM #MegaMergeMaxMix #Logo #Horror #ArtWork #Art #DigitalArt

"Entertain Entrapment!?" new thumbnail + without logo + title logo

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #EntertainEntrapment #Logo #Horror #Fangame #ArtWork #Art #DigitalArt

Just remade the channel looks, featuring a new form of Phantom Ruby, that belongs to the Evil Yellow Hedgehog: Dr. Golden "Prepare-Up!" in Fierce Forces. Just wanted this to say.
