2 years ago

Hello and welcome to the series nobody asked for: "One minute doodles!" (The name is a lie, this one took a minute and 15 seconds). I'm gonna try to keep this series going till the canvas in photo 2 is full

Ps: you may name the characters!



Next up

Clothing drawing :D!

First photo: Drawing

Second photo: reference (@/enby._.l0s3er on tiktok)

The person in the ref goes by he/they pronouns, so refer to him likewise :D

Drew this on my phone with fingers cause I was bored and didn't have my tablet.

Personally, I kinda like how derpy it looks haha

Fanart of @CreamAlphaWolfram!

It's been a while so not my cleanest art, sorry :(

Wendy from Don't Starve Together Fanart :D!

Second photo has the reference I used to make my sketch *checks time* MORE THAN A YEAR AGO?? No wonder I can't find my original reference haha

Article has more details :D

Been long since I posted (4 days bro it’s not that deep Tabii) because I’ve barely had motivation to draw. @BOXZEE ’s beautiful characters, Keith and Ethan

I made some fanart for the webtoon Our Walk Home :D (genuinely one of my favourite webtoons atm)

Reference in article (Our Walk Home and art reference is by furanc0. Check him and his story on webtoons, insta, etc ^_^)


Oc: Alicia by @Lukelcs

A drawing of Alicia I attempted to do. Hopefully, it's not too bad haha.

Lemme know your thoughts :D