1 year ago

Hello Comms. and realms of the FNAF, Minecraft and Five Nights at Smudger's Universes!!!! Guess what I have here for today.........Uh........HERE!!!!!

It's Parody Cameo Characters Numbers 2 and 3, which are both "Smudger" from the "Five Nights at Smudger's" Universe and "Reuben the Pig" from the "Minecraft" Universe!!!! And of course, as for the Communities and Realms of the FNAF and Horror Universes, I have Parody Character #7 and almost his finished redesign and everything!!!

Now then, let me start with the realms and communities for the "Five Nights at Smudger's" Universe first!!! Which is Parody Cameo Character #2, Smudger!!! The Green Little Engine that was abandoned to rot from his good for nothing OLD friend named "Duke"!! Hope that's right!!! Which he'd then was seen and brought back to life from his NEW good for nothing best friend named "Lord Ender Dragon", also known as "LED" for short!! And no!!! It's pronounce as like the word "LEAD"!!! Speaking of which.............

.........For the people from the Communities and Realms from the Minecraft Universe, YES!!!! Your beloved Ender Dragon named as LORD ENDER DRAGON is going to make FUTURE appearances inside of my upcoming future FNAF games!!! But if you guys want to learn more about him and how I'd imagined and used him for my future games, you all just need to wait until I release some future updates based on LED or Lord Ender Dragon himself. As for now, I'll be ONLY talking about Reuben the Pig, which is the 3rd Parody Cameo Character that I'd imagined and used for my future games for only today!!! But first, let me talk with the communities and realms for the Five Nights at Smudegr's Universe about Smudger first.


For the Communities and Realms for the Five Nights at Smudger's Universe:


So, here he is!! One of LED's bestest friends that I'd imagined and used since September of 2018!!! Parody Cameo Character #2!! Which is of course "Smudger"!!!! On by the way, YES!! Smudger's good for nothing rival Stanley, and Smudger's brother named Smoother, and all of the other characters from the Universe of Smudger's will also make an appearance inside of MY OWN PERSONAL future games as well, However though, they'll have to wait until I talk about more updates of them in the future!!!

Anyways, back to Smudger, again!! Anyways, Smudger is of course a MAIN protagonist and originally was the MAIN VAILLAIN of this fan-made FNAF series, and also have the powers to become some kind of spirit from the afterlife!!! So yeah, before I can talk the rest of the lore of this CAMEO right here, let me explain how all of this was made in the first place!!

So, way back in the year of 2015, the year that my life during my 5th grade year was a bit chaotic, don't ask why about that, the first trailer had been dropped by a User here on GameJolt, which he also has a YouTube Account as well named "@bigtrevvy "!!!! The first trailer of this fan-made FNAF series had came out on "April 21st, 2015"!!! Then around that same year, the trailer of the 2nd FNatS's game was release, then around in 2016, the 3rd game got release. Which Five Nights at Smudger's is one of my ALL time favorite games of all time!!!

Speaking of which, that game alone, I'd first downloaded that game around in 2020!! YEAH!!! FOUR years after the 3rd game of this fan-made FNAF series got release!! Speaking of which, then in 2020, almost like THREE years of its own development cycle of time, the 4th Five Nights at Smudger's games was release!! Which was another game that I'd downloaded on my computer like a while back!!! Here are a few screenshots to proved that I'd downloaded the 3rd and 4th Five Nights at Smudegr's game!! And yes!! the 2nd one included!!


YEP!! NINE single SCREENSHOTS from ME playing those THREE Smudger's games since like 2020!!! I didn't have the chances to play/finished them yet, but eventually, I WILL have those chances to do so!!!!


For the Communities and Realms for the Five Nights at Smudger's Universe (Part Two):

Anyways, let's go back to Smudger again!!! Anyways, as you all may heard by now, Smudger was a character first shown from the actual Thomas and Friends show way back in the 90s I think from an old episode and such. And many years later, his character's returning and everything have been seen first time ever inside of a FNAF fan-made of a series!!!

Since its first game of the Smudger's series, Smudger was an old green engine who had been left to rot from Duke "The Old Grand-puffed Engine" back in 1968. By the way, if some of my predictions of the lore for this FNAF fan-made series are a bit off or wrong, just let me know in the comment's section down below. Anyways, the story about Smudger takes place where Smudger, the MAIN BAD GUY from the 1ST FNatS's game, was left there to rot.

This was of course, the Old Railway, also known as "Smudegr's Railway"!!! It was named that because Smudger was of course the ONLY LITTERAL ENGINE that was just here all alone from rotting since 1968. Or was it 1986? Again you guys, let me know again if my predictions were a bit off centered a bit. Anyways, the year and setting for the first FNatS's game takes place around in the 2015s, inside of the Old Railway where Smudger was being left to rot there. However, when each night was being progress from the MAIN UNAMED protagonist as the nightguard of Smudger's Railway, Smudger begins to become like black and spirited-like ghost engine and would he'd then process each of the NEW and/or OLD engines all over his Old Railway of a stopping ground.

Almost like one week after all of that, Smudger had then caused a serious incident involving with one of the workers from the old railway and transported him or her at a local hospital at the Island of Sodor!! By the way, yes!!! This series alone was also taken place around in the Island of Sodor!!

After that, Smudger was then reported missing from the police and Smudger was then no longer being seen from anyone else. And then, we're now taken place at "Bertram's Station" which when that year that this game was being take place in was on Aug. 19th, 2015!!!! I don't know what happened to the remains of that Railway and everything. Anyways, while the police was searching for Smudger, Smudger himself was being secretly being kept inside of an old shed-like room. And of course, when each night was passing on by, not only Smudger was making more trouble with more of the NEWEST engines at Bertram's Station, but someone on the phone had called the police that Smudger was being kept inside of the station.


For the Communities and Realms for the Five Nights at Smudger's Universe (Part Three):

But after all of that, a massive avalanche had destroyed the station and with all of the engines and including Smudger as well!!!! That leads us to Five Nights at Smudger's 3!!! Took place around on Halloween time in 2015, the station that was all covered up from that avalanche was then turned into a museum called the "Mid Sodor Museum"!!! The nightguard was of course the Old Manager, and each night he faces of the ghosts or spirits of the other engines and of course, his good for nothing rival Smudger!!!

After Smudger had killed the Old Manager during the 5th or 6th night, all of the engines that Smudger had used for his army was somehow all fixed up from one of Smudger's old rivals called "Stanley"!! Smudger's army was now under Stanley's control right now. And of course from the 4th and 5th Smudger's games, Smudger had then became a good guy now and that's the end of long story here!!!

So sorry if this took some time for the other communities and realms from other series of TV shows, movies and/or games. Speaking of which, we now go onto the realms and communities from the Universe of Minecraft!!! And the Minecraft Story Mode series as well included here.


For the Communities and Realms for Both of the Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode Universes:

HAAAAAAAAA!!! At the longest of the very last here!!! Well, almost actually!!! We have Parody Cameo Character #3!!! And he's someone that you'd all known since his tragic deceased of a passing from a blocky game series that let you guys create you own personal stories!!!

From both TelllTale Games and Mojang Studios, comes the little old Piggy of a pig that always never gives up hope from some amazing and new adventures all over Beacon Town and even the rest of the Minecraft World!! He's of course the 3rd Parody Cameo Character known as "Reuben the Pig"!!! Another one of LED's best friends in the whole wide world!!!


He's also Jesse's Piggy Sidekick as well!! So, yeah!!! That's somewhat fun!!! Anyways, so around in April or May of 2018, I think I was right on that part, I'd imagined Reuben the Pig and then used him as my 3rd Parody Cameo Character for my future games here on GameJolt!! However though, it seems that Smudger from earlier as of before and after this part right here, because I named Smudger as my 2nd Parody Cameo Character!!! Well, because maybe my life cycle is like our of order and what.

I don't know on that. Anyways, so yeah!!! We'd already knew about Reuben the Pig right? He's a Minecraft Pig, has a friend and sidekick named "Jessie", which he's a BOY/MAN, and loves to play in the mud!!!! But as for all of you fans and builders from the Minecraft universe itself, I think we all known about Reuben's tragic backstory!!! #OinkOink!!!


For the Communities and Realms for Both of the Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode Universes (Part Two):

So, before we begin about the tragic story about Reuben the Pig, let's talk about How Minecraft Story Mode was all came to be!!! So, back on October 13th, 2015, both TellTail Games and Mojang Studios, the only workers that were behind Minecraft since 2009, had made their own interaction and Story Creation of a game called "Minecraft Story Mode: Season One"!!! And back then, this game was like EVERYWHERE at the time!!! But years after the 2nd game of this game series was released in the 2017s, this series alone was sadly left inside of the archives of all forgotten and/or abandoned projects and games!!

Until like SEVEN years later as of like right now here in 2024, it's back and let me now tell you the story about Reuben the Pig!!! The tragic story for that matter. So, on episode one of MCSM: Season One, the game takes place when Jessie and his best friends were getting ready for Endcon!!! An special event of..... YEAH!! I don't know much about that event from the game alone. So sorry. Anyways, we would then also met Jessie's best Piggy Friend in the whole Minecraft world named "Reuben"!!! Not to be confused by the usher named Reuben as well!!

During the events when Jessie and the others were getting ready to create their own creations for Endercon or Endcon, Reuben the Pig was also getting ready and started to put on his Ender Dragon costume for the event!! By the way, this story/lore/backstory here for Minecraft Story Mode is actually an ultimate timeline based on the events from Jax Justun Studios!! Just saying because that's how I roll with things.

Anyways, after all of that, Jessie, Reuben and their other friends were now heading to the competition based on the winners stuff of Endercon!!! After everyone was amazed from Axel's Creeper, Olivia's Enderman and Jessie's Zombies wool-made-like statues, one of Lukas's teammates named "Aidden" had broke one of the other Teammate's creation which was made with ACTUAL LAVA and letting it touch Reuben's Ender Dragon Costume!!!

Skipping a few hours later into this story here, Reuben was then found by Jessie once again, but after that, a mob of hostile mobs had came out of no where and started to attack both Reuben and Jessie. And of course, right our of complete blindness of sightless-ness, Jessie's girlfriend "Petra" then started to fight back with those creepy mobs and help Jessie from protection from the blast from the Creeper Explosions!!!


For the Communities and Realms for Both of the Minecraft and Minecraft Story Mode Universes (Part Three):

Sadly, Jessie and Petra had no other choices to let Reuben run away from this madness!! And he had no choice because he doesn't want to get killed or grilled from man-like eating creepers and zombies, get webbed by Spiders, and/or even get teleported around from random Endermen.

Then many hours later on into this story alone, after Jessie had found Reuben once more from a buttheaded Bucher that loves to eat some much pigs at one sitting, both Jessie and Reuben had went down into the old library bunker to save Lukas from an Iron Golem Guard made from Iron blocks and a pumpkin from "Ivor"!!!

After all of that, this is of course that Jessie, Reuben and the rest of their friends had to stop the one and only Wither Storm!!! Made from Ivor and his stupidly made plans of being pretended tricked by Petra and Jessie!!! Then a few episodes later, like on the 4th episode of the MCSM: Season One Game Series, both Reuben and Jessie had went inside of the Wither Storm's body and crushed and destroyed the command block that controls the Wither Storm!!

And of course, hours later, the Wither Storm was defeated!!! But sadly, almost right towards the ending of episode Four of MCSM, Reuben the Pig had sadly passed away on Jessie's hands!! After that long falling sequence inside of that Blackheaded Storming Beast, Reuben couldn't even move a single muscle!! Jessie had whispered into one of Reuben's ears and told him that he was still always with him on his sides and had also said that he's also a freaking hero as well!!

And then, Reuben the Pig then turned into a puff of smoke and all that's left was the ONE and SINGLE Raw Porkchop that was from the remains from Reuben's Piggy-ed body!! And so, on December 5th, 2015, during that aired time for the 4th Episode of MCSM, Reuben the Pig has sadly passed away!! Until on December 6th, 2018!!! But all of that is another story to tell!!!!

Anyways, that's all for now. And yes the people of the Minecraft Universe alone here on GameJolt, the Ender Dragon that I'd named as Lord Ender Dragon or LED for short will also be making future appearances as well inside of my future fan-made parody games series!!! Now then, let me move on towards the people from the communities and realms of the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) Universe and I'll be done for today!!!


For the Communities and Realms of the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) Universe:

So guys, after all of that and everything, let me all show you guys that behind the senses and stuff for the 7th Parody Character that I'm still making and redesigning as of like today and back on the first day on January 14th, 2024!!

He's of course "Mr. Eyesaur", the FIRST and ever BEST FRIEND of Lord Ender Dragon (LED)!!!! And I must say by now, it's turning out very nicely and steady as of like TODAY!!! So, here's what he looks like so far as of right now!!!


So yeah, here he is at his almost FINAL glory here!! I have only like a few more things to put onto his body!!! After that, he's FINALLY been created and ready for ACTION!!!! Also, what's really cool about some of these parts that I'd created to put onto his redesigns here, all of this stiff right here, which is the tail and everything for Mr. Eyesaur here was not only made on Canva, but also on this other free online design website that I'd first discovered on January 14th, 2024 called "Figma.com"!!!

It's just some random online free of a website that helps people create things like slideshows, ad-like signs, marketing things and of course, creating your OWN personal creations. Like this one that I'd made right here called "Mr. Eyesaur"!! But again, his NEW redesign and textures are almost done!! Hopefully by tomorrow, Mr. Eyesaur's FINAL looks and makeovers will be all finished up in NO TIME and NO SWEAT-LIKE STAINS what so ever!!!


Anyways, that's everything and every storytelling on why and HOW I'd imagined both of those Cameo-like creatures in the first place!!! The reason why I wanted to tell those stories for both Smudger and Reuben the Pig was because I just wanted to do something a bit more different!! Speaking of different, both of these Minecraft Characters which are Parody Cameo Characters Numbers 3 and 4 which are both Reuben the Pig and Lord Ender Dragon (LED), will also have their own personal Parody-like redesigns created from ME!!!

So stay tuned for those things!!! Anyways, thanks for all of people of these communities and realms from all of these individual Universes alone. Like FNAF, Minecraft, and the Five Nights at Smudger's Timeline!!! I'm really sorry if this GameJolt Post here was SUPER late to post and was REALLY SUPER LONG to make and type on.

This was because that I'd wanted to make this GameJolt Post here as detailing as possible. Like those TWO different backstories for both Smudger and Reuben the Pig!!! And yes, hopefully by tomorrow that Mr. Eyesaur's final redesign for his NEW and IMPROVED body will be all done and everything. I just need more time to do so!!! By the way, while I was created/typing out this single and long-ass post here on GameJolt, I had made TWO other posts as well!! Before this post right here for today on Jan. 15th, 2024, I'd made an announcement that I'll be releasing the GameJolt Page for the future parody-like 17th game based on the "Five Nights at Jax Justun's" series!!!


It was all about the release date and the name of that 17th FNatJJ's games is called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia"!!! As for all of you Minecraft people on GameJolt alone, you'll be into a wonderful treat!!! And as for the 2nd one, during the moments creating this THIRD GameJolt post here, I'd made my 4th video based on the Development Commentary Stuff for Jax Justun Studios!!!

Here's a link to that 4th GameJolt DCofJJs Video that I'd made as like of today here on Jan. 15th, 2024: https://gamejolt.com/p/development-commentary-video-4-created-on-jan-15th-2024-cpd6tyxh

It was like 7 mins long!!! Can you all believe that!?!?!?!?!!!!! Anyways, that's all for today!! Make sure to stay tuned for future updates here on GameJolt by Me (@NanGameJolt23 )!!! Be safe, goodnight and have a nice Belated New Year's day!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!! #MinecraftMeetsSmudgersRailway!!!! #SmudgerAndReubenThePig #BestFriendsAnd #TogetherAsOneWholePie!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! #LongestGameJoltPostEVER!!!!!!!!!

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Gangster Chica

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