Hello everybody! I just wanted to let you know that I made a new community! Introducing the Freddy in Space 2 Community! Post about anything Freddy in Space 2! Check it out: https://gamejolt.com/c/fis2-du3ffk
Next up
The FNaF 4 Gang are here!
FNaF SL on Friday?
The FNaF 3 Gang!
FNaF 4 on Wednesday?
The FNaF 2 Gang!
FNaF 3 on Monday?
3 points!
My first piece of fanart. The FNAF 1 Gang!
I've done quite a few of these so I might post FNAF 2 in a couple of days.
Fnaf 6 Gang!
Help Wanted Characters on Wednesday?
My submission for the contest. The great chase!
The Sister Location Gang! Each character has an extra character to make sure everybody's here!
FFPS Characters on Monday?
Sorry I'm late... The Help Wanted Gang!
Suggestions for what to draw on Monday?
i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-
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