Six Night in the Crocodile Swamp (Officially)
4 months ago

Hello, everybody! Yes, yes, I want to tell you again about my disappearance. I've been missing because I've been travelling to another country. So I didn't have the energy to write a post. But there will be normal posts soon. So come on.



Next up

Map update

Yay, I finished it.

As promised.


Thanks for 500 page followers

Game by @FazieFunbear & @Marco_Antonio

I don't know why, but it's like a menu.

Well all guys my holiday is over but there is good news I have done a lot or little for my game but small but some steps.

Heres the WIPS :)

Happy birthday to Fnaf.

Well, the day has come that day when already ten years when the big history of this game began Well, I won't write something for a long time because