Five Nights at Freddy's Project Reboot VR
1 year ago

Hello everyone, I have some news. Please read this:

Hello everyone! I have some sad news! Project reboot is unfortunately canceled. The reasoning for the cancelation has been my complicated schedule not working with this game. 2 years ago I set out on this passion project to hopefully make a game. Yet 2 years later, after having gone through a lot of developers on the team, I don't have much.

Mixing this game as well as school, work, and everyday life was challenging. I have new responsibilities now than what I had 2 years ago. I've gone through a lot. By now, my spirit's been burnt out. Work had slowed and my once burning passion fizzled out. What was said to be "months of development" turned into 2 years, which I was never planning to be the case.

I never really thought the project would end like this, but here we are. I'm so sorry to everyone. I told you I would publish a game, but I have none to give. However, my good friend @SkyTheDragon_Dev is developing and alternate game similar in game to ours. Go give it a try!

But anyways, before I go, I'd like to say thank you to all the devs who have worked on this team. Your support has been truly amazing, and to you who have followed and supported us on GameJolt, thank you so much. I'm so happy you all came here and were excited for my dream. I'm just sorry I couldn't deliver.

But now, this is where I get off. As I said, go check out Sky's Project Reboot VR game if you wanted to play this! Well everyone, it's about that time. Goodbye, and thank you for everything. I will never forget you guys!

See you on the flipside,

Mr. Mic



Next up

Warning: System Override

Artwork by @MaliceMoon. Thanks a bunch!

He will come back....

New interview with Robot Republic on out fnaf fan game Fnaf: Project Reboot!!!

Check it out now!!!


Trailer coming soon....

Follow Five Nights at Freddy's Project Reboot to keep up with the news!

Special thanks to Glitchii for doing this one!

Maskie Reveal Teaser!

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