Hello everyone. I ´ve created a Bomberman videogame with funny surprises, using Godot Engine(I never used another Engine before).
Thank you GODOT
My videogame´s page here:
Next up
JUMPER is very quickly D:
This time. The BOTS will be in BOMBSTORM ver_0.9.3 Join with your cousins,friends or bros and have fun. Get BOMBSTORM is free: (Fact -> Local and Offline game)
-> SHUK: Teler throws a cursed eye to an enemy and
inflicts 15 damage(Cursed eye follows to enemy)
->SURPRISE: Teler teleports to cursed eye position and
inflicts damage on a small area
For ver_0.8.8 these are the news:
* New Character GENEX a cyborg
* New button (?):
-> When is clicked the game will show you in a room the skills habilities of your Character
* The bombs kicked can FUSION with other one
FINALLY BOMBSTORM ver_0.9.3 is here. Now you can play with BOTS and destroy them. I hope you enjoy it.
BOMBSTORM ver 0.9.4 is here now you can play it 8)
-> Now you will know who killed you and Revenge from your ENEMIES >:) (AND MORE THINGS)
-> For more details Read the Message in the Package
BOMBSTORM ver_0.9.2 is here. Now you can play with DENTRIFIC the cleaner(Skills in the VIDEO). Also you can play in the new BattleField(STADIUM) with more SPACE.
The bots will be in other update.
My own BOTS killed me XD
Comming soon for BOMBSTORM update.