Date Recorded: 05/04/2021
Hey everyone! Nave Jonnson here!!! I'm just telling you all now that Ian Neill had a little bit of a fight with his dad this afternoon at around at 3:01 PM today!! Something about Ian's dad losing his mask and his dad was blaming on Ian himself about losing it!! Anyways, that is all for now. I am afraid that Ian is going to out for like a few days this month so, ummm? Stay safe everyone!! Ian will be back soon!! Well, Nave Jonnson we're done here!! Alright Ian the spotlight is on you man.
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Hello everyone!! Ian here!! Also known as NanGameJolt23!! Yep!! Like Nave had said, I might be out for like a few days this month!! Because I kind of got in a fight today with my dad about me losing one of his favorite masks and he'd blamed about it on me. And what's even worst that next week is my last week of school!! Anyways people, I need to have the chance to calm down, taking a break, focus on my school work, and to recover as well!!
And I nearly had a nervous breakdown today too as well!! Well, my followers and my sidekicks, guess I need to get to it then!!! Anyways, be safe everyone I'll be back soon enough!! I promise!! #LOVEUALL!!!!
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