So far the gameplay is the same as v0.1.0 to v0.1.6 but with alot of nefts, some buffs, some new features, some new mechanic! And some bug fixes
Here are the list of changes in V.0.2.0 but there will be spoilers
Neft list
Neft bathroon 1 toilet cooldown back to V0.1.0 on hungry boy challenge exploration
Neft hungry boy challenge on all difficulty
Neft dry bone challenge only on easy and normal
Neft weaker lights challenge only on easy and normal to make the room brighter
Neft Wario's exposure challenge only on easy and normal
Buff list
Buff limited food challenge only on hard and master
Buff dry bone challenge little bit on hard and master
Bug fix list
Bug fix both hydration and hunger meter not killing you
New features list
Challenge menu color changes for changing difficulty
Challenge menu music changes on hard and master difficulty
Boo hallucination challenge now has a leaving mechanic
Instructions and notes has been updated on challenge menu
Deaf mode on bedtime challenge has a new mechanic that you cannot guess your heart rate
Anyways that's everything and I hope you enjoy the Halloween experience have fun!
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